Marketing Starting with iOS 14, app designers will need to request users’ permission to track their data via a popup message within the app.

If a user does not accept tracking, his IDFA will return a string of 0 numbers, making it impossible to use it. Quest is rejected by default as soon as an app is opened. When the notification is displayed, users can decide whether they want to allow tracking or deny sending their IDFA on each app, which means that a user can enable tracking for App A and reject it for App B.

Prepare For The Arrival Of Ios 14: Where To Start Mobile Marketing

1. Review Mobile Marketing

First, advertisers must do a complete internal review of how they currently use IDFA. Will give you an excellent sympathetic of where and when you use it and the ways your business can be affected if you don’t have it.

2. Authorization Mobile Marketing

After doing a full review, user authorization should be your next priority. After all, if users allow tracking, you can be close to the normal activities you had before the arrival of iOS 14. As a result, high authorization rates will become a real competitive advantage.

Unless a user reinstalls them, apps have only one chance to request authorization with Apple’s popup message, so it’s essential to optimize your app for approval. Logically, this puts a lot of pressure on the authorization mechanism and notice, and it will take some rounds of trial and error to get healthy authorization rates. Here’s what you can do to get ahead of the curve:

Start now to test the mechanics of obtaining user authorization, both with new users and with existing users of your applications. By doing this before the official release of iOS 14 and running multiple iterations of the same popup layout, you’ll be able to implement the iteration with the best results once the release arrives.

Like push notifications, if a user chooses “yes” on an app’s internal message and “no” on the following popup, the app can still show the user another message with a deep link to it. The settings menu of their device to authorize tracking for your application. Can done immediately after choosing “no” or later.

You can also test the best time to trigger the popup, Necessarily need to be done as soon as the app is open. For example, you can activate it after a user finishes some specific activity within the application to understand better the value that your application offers and increase their trust in your brand.

3. Reassess Your BI Stack Marketing Starting with iOS 14,

With or without authorization. Changes to the IDFA will significantly impact the way your BI stack works. Prepare well by doing the following:

  • Find out which different data sets are tie together for your analytics and how you can continue to tie this internal data together after the release of iOS 14. We recommend focusing on the IDFV, the ADID (your MMP’s unique identifier), and the User ID (your Internal ID. If use throughout your mobile marketing stack).

4. User Acquisition Marketing Starting with iOS 14,

When it comes to user gaining, marketers should use this time to talk to their marketing partners. And align on using IDFA in their targeting strategy:

  • A good marketing partner should give you solid expectations about. How they’re preparing for the change, especially when it comes to lookalikes. Retargeting, allowing listing, block listing, and initial audiences ( seed).

5. Monetization Marketing Starting with iOS 14,

If users don’t accept tracking, this will affect your monetization capabilities significantly. Meaning you won’t have behavioral targeting of users based on previous in-app activity and retargeting networks within your waterfall. But, again, depending on the business model, this can impact your RPM (revenue per thousand). Therefore, we direct you to do the following to prepare yourself in the best possible way:

  • Have the same conversations with your marketing partners, mediation tools, and monetization network. The key is to determine how they expect to deal with these changes in broad strokes.

Navigating Change Marketing Starting with iOS 14,

Adjust will be fully compatible with iOS14, offering solutions using granular and SKAd Network implementations. In addition. We are always willing to discuss our approach and share our information with application developers, partners, and various industry players.