Explanations To Adapting Your Upskilling And Reskilling

Upskilling And Reskilling Do you think that your current skills will be enough throughout your career and that you no longer need to continue training?

According to the study, Jobs lost, jobs gained: workforce transitions in a time of automation, by McKinsey Global Institute. Between 75 and 375 million workers, that is, from 3% to 14% of the global workforce, will have to change their occupational category by 2030 due to automation, artificial intelligence, and digitalization.

Upskilling And Reskilling Are A Requirement In Times Of Indecision

Although the advancement of technology has already caused some concern among professionals in recent years, the covid-19 pandemic has only increased the fear of human capital regarding not being prepared for future jobs. According to the Decoding Global Reskilling and Career Paths study published by BCG and The Network, four in ten employees worldwide say they are now more alarmed by workplace automation than before the health crisis.

As a consequence of this new trend, more than two-thirds of workers worldwide are willing to retrain professionally. Therefore, if you want both to growth professionally and keep your job, it is essential to bet on continuous learning, also known as lifelong learning, to readjust your value proposition to the market’s new needs.

There are many ways to stay competitive in the job market.

On the one hand, this is possible through an upskilling plan, that is, improving your skills and competencies in other areas of your sector to undertake your duties with more excellent solvency and adapt to the changes generated in your area of expertise. On the other hand, there are  reskilling programs, focused on acquiring new hard skills and  soft skills  with which you can reinvent your future work  in different industries.

The Advantages Of Betting On Professional Updating

With continuous learning, you will get great returns. For example, in a strictly work environment, your performance and productivity will increase significantly by acquiring new skills and abilities that will complete your skills. At the same time, by being more prepared, you will reduce the chances of making mistakes or suffering workplace accidents. Ultimately, you will be able to both do more and do better.

And it is that an improvement in skills also becomes a plus on your resume. On the one hand, you will have new skills and knowledge to aspire to positions of greater responsibility or access jobs that are more interesting and better paid. On the other hand, do not forget that companies highly value proactive profiles. In this way, you have not stopped updating yourself throughout your professional career will be a point in your favor in any selection process.

The Upskilling and Reskilling Programs will also Act as an Essential Catalyst in the Personal Sphere.

Increasing your skills will boost your confidence to take on new challenges and projects, which will help you get out of your comfort sector. You will see how your ability to adapt to changes will skyrocket, something especially relevant in a volatile environment like the current one, and you will notice that work stress decreases. Consequently, you will feel more satisfied and motivated when you verify that you are capable of assuming greater or different responsibilities with solvency. You will even gain flexibility and mental agility due to this constant brain training.

Never Stop Learning: Where To Direct Training?

It is just as crucial that you are aware of the importance of the concepts of upskilling and reskilling in your professional career as it is that you know where to redirect your training efforts. Remember that the objective of continuous learning is to be prepared to face the changes that occur in the labor market and, therefore, training must be in line with them.

In this sense, in its latest report on the future of work, the World Economic Forum also breaks down the areas of knowledge that will experience greater demand from organizations in the next five years.

How To Design Your Personal Upskilling And Reskilling Idea?

To carry out the design of your own upskilling or reskilling program. You must take into account a series of factors that will help you define the critical points of your continuous learning plan:

  • Set work objectives: the first question you should ask yourself is what you want to achieve with this training. Do you want to feel more prepare to perform your current functions. Or are you looking to move up in your company? Would you like to change professions and look for new job opportunities? These questions can point you where to direct the training. In this way, if your answer fits the first case, you should develop an upskilling plan. While if it provides more with the second, you should bet on reskilling.
  • Analyze your current strengths and weaknesses: it is essential to analyze your starting point. It is vital to assess which skills you excel at. Which ones you have room for improvement, and which skills you can acquire. To do this, you can use the personal SWOT tool.
  • Study the existing knowledge gaps: next. You must compare your current professional profile with the market’s demand. For example. You may not have excellent communication skills. Still, it may not be a vital skill for the position you are applying for. So it will be better to concentrate your efforts. On another skill that is more necessary for the activity you want to carry out.

Select Specific Upskilling and Reskilling Actions:

With this global vision of the skills you have and those you need. You can design your upskilling or reskilling plan, selecting those specific training programs that help boost your career. Now, it is recommend that you set SMART goals, that is, goals that are clear, achievable, relevant, measurable. And with a timeframe for execution.

  • Apply New Knowledge: According to Edgar Dale and Bruce Nylan’s cone of learning. The best way to learn a new skill is to prepare. Therefore, do not limit yourself to taking a training program; look for the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired through internships, new job opportunities, or networking networks.
  • Maintain an attitude of constant learning: regularly review and update your plan. Do not forget that the demands of the market change continuously. And you must be prepared to face them. The best way to achieve this is to create a pre-established review schedule in your upskilling or reskilling plan.

How To Do Upskilling And Reskilling Through The Santander Skills – MBA Essentials Scholarship Program?

For you to acquire or improve your skills. Banco Santander launches the call for 900 Santander Skills Scholarships | MBA Essentials 2022 – LSE. In addition. From the hand of The London School of Economics and Political Science. One of the most prestigious international educational institutions in economics and business.

Unique opportunity in which you will be able to address the three pillars of business management. And leadership that are taught in an MBA: Strategy, finance, and human resources. In addition, you will have the support of LSE mentors and facilitators. And you will be able to interact with your classmates through weekly forums and group dynamics.

Do you want to assimilate the fundamentals of an MBA to have a more relevant role. In decision-making in your business environment? Enroll in Santander Skills Scholarships | MBA Essentials 2022 – LSE. And whether you get it or not, remember, never stop learning.